Meet The Heather | Ashleay
Heather and Ashleay
The Heather | Ashleay Team are unrivaled real estate professionals who consistently over deliver for their clients. Part of what sets the Heather | Ashleay Team apart is their diverse expertise which covers the gamut from new developments, waterfront homes, townhomes, condos, estates and investment properties.
This results-driven team combines their incomparable market knowledge, marketing strategies and network of leading industry professionals to ensure buyers obtain the best price possible and sellers achieve top sales prices.
The Heather | Ashleay Team is experienced, tenacious, hands on and provides white-glove service for their clients. Their mission is to meet their client’s needs through accessibility, accountability and cutting edge marketing.
Driven by an innate passion for the business, this team stays at the industry forefront through education, understanding of current market trends and the ability to identify the nuances of their hometown market. This wealth of knowledge is communicated to clients, allowing them to achieve their real estate goals quickly and efficiently.
“We’re in this business to help people realize their real estate dreams & goals. We’re motivated by building relationships that last a lifetime. That’s what drives us to be the very best in the business. Call us, let’s build.”
About Town
Not only is the Heather | Ashleay Team dedicated to their clients, they are continuously dedicated to numerous philanthropic organizations throughout their community. They are passionate about the causes they have been involved in such as; Alzheimer’s Association, Cure SMA, The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and the American Cancer Society.
7th Annual White PartyJorge Nation Foundation
Spring 2018 Cover CelebrationVenice Magazine
Magazine Launch PartyFlorida Panthers' CATS
Who's Who in Real EstateLas Olas Magazine
Wings Wheels Water 2018Wings Wheels Water
Dune Grand Opening at AubergeVenice Magazine
2017 Gala of Hope to Cure SMA SponsorGala of Hope
2017 Valet Sponsor benefiting the Cystic Fibrosis FoundationFort Lauderdale's Finest
Winter Chic Cover PartyVenice Magazine
Wings Wheels Water 2017 at Sheltair AviationWings Wheels Water
Cystic Fibrosis Fort Lauderdale's Finest Committee and HonoreesSun-Sentinel 2017
Swim Chic Event at S3 for Fort Lauderdale Swim WeekSwim Chic
Volunteering at the Gala of Hope to Cure SMAGala of Hope
Cocktails for a Cure event for Cystic FibrosisCocktails for a Cure
Fort Lauderdale's Finest Gala recognizes young professionals for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.Sun Sentinel
Gala Grand Finale for LLSSun Sentinel
Winter Issue Cover Party with Xenia DeliVenice
Venice Magazine’s Fall 2016 Issue Release at BoatyardWorld Red Eye
Winter 2017 Launch Party with Kelsey LioiVenice Magazine
Meet The Team
Furry Friends Specialist